Confusing work dress codes and trusting your gut with your style

Instead of trends, build a wardrobe with longevity.

We discuss this and lots more in this week's chatty episode. 

The common thread that runs through all of these podcasts is how important it is to wear what you love and understand what that is. Until you spend a bit of time working out the styles of clothes that really suit you and make you feel 'right' it is easy to get distracted and make mistakes. Instead of focusing on trends, concentrate instead on building a wardrobe that has longevity with key pieces that really suit you and make you happy. If you suit skinny jeans and all the fashion editors are saying they are 'out' and you don't suit wide leg jeans which are 'in' isn't it better to wear the shape that suits you?

Once you find your personal style it becomes easier to shop and pull together a wardrobe you love. Listening to your gut and working out what works is time well spent. 

This is the main topic of discussion with today's guest Finula Crowe of dress brand New Day Originals. Fin created the brand in lockdown in 2020 when she had to shut down her event dress boutique. She really hasn't looked back since and now creates beautiful, sustainable and wearable dresses that elevate any wardrobe.✨


Check out New Day Originals here.

Find Finula on Instagram here

Follow Lisa on Instagram here.


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